View Full Version : Idiot Light / Not in The Book

04-10-2016, 07:48 AM
:confused: Going through the Operating Manual for Our 2013 / 200 , There is No Identification / Reference as to What the (Warning ??) Indicates.. It's Highlighted in Red, a Round Circle with a Bracket on each side & an Exclamation Mark in the middle of the Circle.. It's Located to the left & next to the (ETC) Electronic Throttle Control (Warning Light ??)

Whatever it's Warning About , Comes on Intermittingly for a second or two then is gone .. It could be a couple weeks or a month before it may appear again?? I just had the Car into Mr. Lube a week ago , all Fluid levels were checked and Topped Up....

There is just shy of 65,000km showing .. A Brake Job is due when we Change Back to the Summer Tires.. According to the Gauge the Dealership uses to check the amount of Pad left tells me that is So...lol...:)

10-21-2016, 06:50 PM
That would be a brake pressure warning in my experience, check your fluid level to start with, if it's full, have it scanned. Could just be the level sensor on the master. Is your abs light on as well?