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Old 03-19-2013, 12:53 AM   #1
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Exclamation Mechanics nightmare Intermit electrical issue

Hey guys I called my local dealer to see if they knew of any warranty issues or bulletins out on this but here is whats going on. It does not matter if it is warm or cold out sitting or driving down the road at random my flashers will click on real quick and go right back off. It is almost like someone is pushing the button just enough to turn them on real quick but not stay on. The dealer has never had one come in with that issue and being as it is an intermit problem I do not want to drop my car off for a week for it to not do it and then as soon as I get in it, it'll do it. I have approx 26k miles on it so I would like to get the issue resolved before my fact warranty is up. Have any of you guys had the issue or know what the fix is? Thanks guys!

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