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Old 09-27-2013, 10:42 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by csmithson63 View Post
Bought a 2011 Chrysler 200 convertible in January of this year. We are having an issue with the front end making a loud clunking noise whenever it's being driven on uneven payment/roads, over speed bumps in parking garages, roads, parking lots. It starts making this noise after it's been driven for 30 miles or so. The farther it's driven, the louder and worse it gets.

We've had it into the dealer 3 times now. The first time they "couldn't reproduce the sound" so they torqued all the front end parts and called it good. This did not fix the noise.

The 2nd time the front end tech said "sounds like a strut", however they replaced the lower control arm instead of the strut.

This time it's been in the shop for 3 weeks, because I refuse to drive a car with front end issues. How can they possibly know it's safe to drive when they have no idea what it is? They ordered craddle bushings and just got them in, now they are waiting on Chrysler to tell the tech how to put them in.

The dealer has said they have even opened a "star case" with the Chrysler engineers, and we've been told that they haven't heard of anything like this.

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue and if so, was the dealer able to fix it, and what was the problem? This is frustrating as the vehicle only has 5,000 miles on it, and a new car should not sound like it's falling apart every time I drive it!! I would appreciate any feedback that anyone could provide.

Yes my 200has the same problem on the passengers side . The dealer has had the car 3 times annd can't find the problem. My son drives this car on highway and I would like to also get this problem solved.
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